Connecting a company’s data and its doers with EverydayAI.
Without You, It’s Just Data.
Data + AI Technology
Campaign Strategy, Campaign Creative, Campaign Production
Dataiku, pioneers of Everyday AI, came to us with aspirations of breaking into the U.S. market. At the time, AI was still considered an early-adopter tech and businesses in the US were struggling to understand how they could leverage it for a competitive advantage. Dataiku needed an awareness campaign that could replace a broad skepticism with a bold curiosity, prompting potential users across industries to ask themselves what’s possible through the power of Dataiku’s platform.
“Without you, it’s just data” was an obvious statement that stood for something more conceptually profound in their space. With Dataiku, people from any industry are empowered to bring their unique thinking to data usage and transform it into innovative ideas or solutions. The potential of AI is in the people using it. Campaign creative put the power of AI back in the hands of the user, highlighting people through vibrant photo/video, while messaging used real use case examples of people across industries using Everyday AI to build extraordinary things.